Custom configuration

Add your configuration in config/env_[CONTEXT].json (usuallly config/env_production.json)

The following configuration options are available:

  • name String (optional) - the name of the context. production or development. Default: production
  • version Integer (optional) - version of this configuration (Increase if you want to update env configuration between build updates). Default: 0
  • tlsVerifyCert Boolean (optional) - Accept self signed SSl certificates. Default: true on development, false on production
  • blnUrl String (optional) - the url under which your Balloon installation is running. If no set user is prompted to enter URL on first start (eg:
  • apiPath String (optional) - the path to the API Default: '/api/v1/'
  • configDir String (optional) - path to the directory where configuration is stored on the client. You can use {home}/{username} which gets replaced with the current home directory/local username. This setting only works well if update.enable is set on false. Default: {home}/.balloon
  • configFileName String (optional) - name of the configuration file inside configDirName. Default: config.json
  • balloonDir String (optional) - default path to the directory where the synced files are saved. You can use {home}/{username} which gets replaced with the current home directory/local username. Default: {home}/Balloon
  • log Object (optional) - logging configuration
  • level String (optional) - maximum level that should be logged. Default: debug. Available levels: {error: 3, warning: 4, notice: 5, info: 6, debug: 7}
  • maxsize Integer (optional) - maximum size of a single lg file. Default: 10000000
  • maxFiles Integer (optional) - maximum number of log files. Default: 10
  • requestTimeout Integer (optional) - api request timeout in miliseconds. Default: 30000
  • sync: Object (optional) - sync configuration
  • interval Integer (optional) - interval in which syncs run in production context. Default: 5
  • maxConcurentConnections Integer (optional) - maximum simultaneous connections for file up- and downloads
  • enableAutoLaunch Boolean (optional) - if app should be launched on system startup. Default: true
  • allowPrerelease Boolean (optional) - if auto updater should install pre releases. Default: false
  • update Object (optional) - update configuration
  • enable Boolean (optional) - enables automatic (and manual) updates - Default: true
  • checkInterval Integer (optional) - interval in hours the client should check for updates. A first check is always done on app start. Default: 4
  • winClsId String (optional) - Windows explorer ClsId
  • auth: Object (optional) - authentication configuration
  • secretStorage String (optional) - credential storage, either config or keytar (OS keychain). Default: keytar
  • credentials null|'basic'|'token' - if null only oidc auth is active, token for internal token flow, basic for basic authentication. Be sure your server supports the configured authentication method. Default: token
  • oidc Array (optional) - configure multiple OpenID-connect provider, be sure that your server also supports those oidc provider
    • clientId String (required) client id
    • clientSecret String (required) client secret
    • providerUrl String (required) URL to the discovery document
    • redirectUri String (required) redirect uri to local http port (for example:
    • revokeAuthenticationRequired Boolean (otional) should be false if the /revoke endpoint does not require client authentication. Default: true
    • scope String (required) OAUTH2 scopes (For example: openid profile)
    • imgBase64 String (required) base64 encoded Oidc sign-in button
  • autoReport Boolean (optional) - If true report will be sent every autoReportInterval to autoReportPutUrl Default: false
  • autoReportPutUrl String (optional) - Url to which to send auto reports
  • autoReportInterval Integer (optional) - Interval to send auto reports in milliseconds. Default: 300000