# CoreV2File


Name Type Description Notes
_links \Balloon\Sdk\Model\CoreV2Links [optional]
id string Unique 12-byte resource identifier. Note this is a MongoDB ObjectId. The name is the standard resource identifier, the id only useful to verify that a given resource was completely recreated. An ID is immutable and will be created on the server. [optional]
created \DateTime ISO 8601 timestamp when the resource was created. [optional]
changed \DateTime ISO 8601 timestamp when the resource was changed. [optional]
deleted \DateTime ISO 8601 timestamp when the resource was deleted. [optional]
name string Node name. [optional]
mime string Mimetype. [optional]
readonly bool Readonly only affects the content of the node but not metadata. [optional] [default to false]
directory bool If node is of type Collection this flag is true. [optional] [default to false]
meta \Balloon\Sdk\Model\CoreV2NodeMeta [optional]
size float The size in bytes. If the node is of type collection the size is the number of child nodes. [optional] [default to 0]
path string The path abstraction of the node. [optional]
access string Access level. [optional] [default to 'rw']
parent \Balloon\Sdk\Model\CoreV2NodeAllOfParent [optional]
share \Balloon\Sdk\Model\CoreV2NodeAllOfShare [optional]
shareowner \Balloon\Sdk\Model\CoreV2NodeAllOfShareowner [optional]
subscription bool Is true if the user has an active subscription on this node. [optional] [default to false]
subscription_exclude_me bool Subscription excludes actions from the subscribed user itself. [optional] [default to false]
sharelink_has_password bool Is true if the node has a protected public sharelink. [optional] [default to false]
version float The content version. Does increase if the content gets changed. [optional] [default to 1]
hash string MD5 content checksum. [optional]
preview bool Is true if there is a preview [optional]

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