
balloon Helm Chart

Prerequisites Details

Chart Details

This chart implements balloon with all necessary and optional features as sub charts. This charts includes the following sub charts:

The following sub charts get installed as dependencies from helm stable if enabled (which is the default):

balloon sub charts do not require persistent volumes however the balloon server is dependent on MongoDB and therefore a pv infrastructure is required which also applies to the optional elasticsearch integration.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm repo add balloon-stable
helm install balloon-stable/balloon --name my-release --namespace mynamespace

Example deployment with ingress/tls enabled and 200GB MongoDB/Elasticsearch storage:

helm install balloon-stable/balloon --name my-release --namespace mynamespace \
    --set balloon-proxy.ingress.enabled=true \
    --set balloon-web.ingress.enabled=true \
    --set balloon-proxy.ingress.hosts[0].name=balloon-api.local \
    --set balloon-web.ingress.hosts[0].name=balloon-api.local \
    --set balloon-web.ingress.hosts[0].tls.secretName=tls-balloon-api.local \
    --set balloon-proxy.ingress.hosts[0].tls.secretName=tls-balloon-api.local \
    --set balloon-api.url=https://balloon-api.local \
    --set lool-collab.collabora.domain=https://balloon-api.local \
    --set mongodb.persistentVolume.size=200Gi \
    --set \

The balloon should now be installed and available. You may authenticate using the default admin user:

Username: admin
Password: admin


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the balloon sub charts and their default values.

(Note: Only the configuration for the balloon server sub chart is documented so far)

Parameter Description Default
balloon-api.replicaCount Number of replicas in the replica set 2
balloon-api.fullnameOverrride Override deployment name ""
balloon-api.nameOverride Override deployment name ""
balloon-api.url The URL of balloon under which the server is reachable from outside https://balloon-api.local
balloon-api.image.repository Image repository and name gyselroth/balloon
balloon-api.image.tag Image tag for the install container 2.6.7
balloon-api.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the init container that establishes the replica set IfNotPresent
balloon-api.service.type Service Type ClusterIP
balloon-api.service.port Service Port (balloon < v3 is executed using PHP-FPM) 9000
balloon-api.extraLabels Extra labels {}
balloon-api.extraVars Extra env variables {}
balloon-api.nodeSelector Custom node selector ""
balloon-api.tolerations Tolerations []
balloon-api.resources Pod resource requests and limits {}
balloon-api.affinity Affinitiy {}

Installing pre releases

Besides the stable repository there is a repository which holds unstable balloon charts. Unstable charts also include all balloon pre-releases (Usually alpha and beta versions).

To install an unstable chart with the release name my-release:

helm repo add balloon-unstable
helm install balloon-unstable/balloon --name my-release --namespace mynamespace

Release new charts

Upgrade the sub charts first which have changes.

Pack chart and update dependencies:

helm package -d stable stable/balloon

Checkout gh-pages and rebuild index

git checkout gh-pages
git add stable/*.tgz
helm repo index stable/
git commit .
git checkout master