Best practics

Using secrets

Secrets should be used to secure any sensitive information like access tokens, passwords or certificates.

Naming conventions

Collection plural

Collection resources should be named in plural. For example accounts and not account since a collection usually holds multiple objects.


An endpoint should always be named the same in each collection.

For example: There is a collection accounts with a destination endpoint openldap-mydomain. There is also a collection named groups which also exports data to the same OpenLDAP server. This endpoint should also be named openldap-mydomain. This is possibile since an endpoint name must only be unique for each namespace/collection pair.

Workflow performance

It is a good choice to put workflows first which are executed most likely first. Meaning setting the priority to 1 and if there are other worflows give them a lower priority. That way there is no need to execute multiple workflows to determine which one will match an applied.