tubectl config

The tubectl config may be requested using tubectl get config. A typical config resource looks like this:

  - username: admin
    url: 'https://localhost:8090'
    allowSelfSigned: true
    name: dev
    defaultNamespace: test
  - username: raffis
    url: 'https://tubeestage'
    allowSelfSigned: false
    name: stage
kind: Config
defaultContext: stage

Edit config

The configuration may be modified using tubectl edit config.

Note tubectl login will also modify the configuration in a more user friendly way.


You may use different tubee environments easily with tubectl by using different contexts. Using tubectl login will create a new context named default. As long as you do not specify a different context using -c or --context accordingly the context default gets used.

If you would like to specify a new context just set a different context during tubectl login:

tubectl --context production login -s https://tubee-prod -u admin -p admin

This will create a new context named production. You may specify the context for every request, for example:

tubectl --context production get ps

Default context

The default context is usually named default. You may change the default context in the tubectl config:

tubectl edit config

and set defaultContext to another context name.

Configuring context

A context may have different settings, usually how tubectl can connect to a tubee server.

Field Type Description
username string The username using to authenticate.
url string tubee server URL.
allowSelfSigned boolean If true tubectl may accept self signed ssl certificates.
name string The name of the tubectl context.
defaultNamespace string Specify a different default namespace other than default.

Note There is no way to configure a secret here. Secrets are stored in the operating systems credential vault and may only be changed/added using tubectl login.