Quick start
You need two things to get started, a server (usually you want a hosted server) and tubectl. tubectl is the tubee console client for Linux, Windows and OS X.
Get tubectl
All releases and executeable binaries are available tubee @github. Besides installing the binary manually, you may also install it from a package repository.
For debian based users you may just the tubee apt repository and install the latest client from there:
apt-get -y install apt-transport-https
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/gyselroth/tubee stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
wget -qO - https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=gyselroth | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install tubectl
As OSX user you may install tubectl using brew:
brew tap gyselroth/core
brew install tubectl
tubectl first steps
At first you have tell tubectl what tubee server you want to communicate to and you must provide your authentication credentials:
tubectl login -u raffis -P -s https://tubee.example
Note tubectl login stores your password in your operating systems credentials vault. You may be asked to unlock it.
As of tubectl v1.0.0 it is only possible to authenticate using http basic credentials eventough the tubee server also offers OpenID-connect.
By default self signed ssl certificated are not accepted by tubectl, however you may change this behaviour by setting the option -a
or --allow-self-signed
Lets start our first request and query the available namespaces:
tubectl get ns
This lists all namespace resources in a pretty table.
For requesting resources you need to use get
, to edit resources edit
and of course to create new ones create
. You may just execute tubectl without any options to get the available commands:
Usage: [options] [command]
-f, --config <file> Specify the config for the client (If different than ~/.tubee/config)
-c, --context <name> Specify a tubee context (Using a different tubee environement)
-d, --debug Print request in verbose mode)
login Login resources
get Get resources
edit Edit resources
explain Describe a resource
delete Delete resources
create Create resources
sync Sync resources
Note tubecl loads its config (.yml) from the users home directory (~/.tubee/config) and only holds configuration data like the tubee server. You may specify a custom configuration by specifying
-c path/to/config
Help & explain resources
Using help explains you what certain commands do, like:
tubectl help login
A very useful command is also explain. Using explain describes entire resource types. For example you might want to know what PdoEndpoint is and what can be configured:
tubectl explain PdoEndpoint
How does it all work and looks like? Want to play around with? You may want to import a playground with defines various resources and possibilities.
This will create a namespace playground
with example data. This may also be useful for new developers to test resources.
tubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gyselroth/tubee/dev/example/dump.yaml