
Secrets contain sensitive information and may get injected into other resources. A secret may hold anything but is usually a password, digital certificate or access tokens. Secret resources get special treatment on the server. Their contents get encryted on the server and decrypted on request. Besides encryption, a secret is useful to not accidentally leak secret information while sharing resource definitions.

Create Secret

A secret holds its data in data and can be any key:value combination. The secret value must be encoded using base64. This is due a secret may also contain binary data.

echo -n foobar200 | base64
echo -n cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org | base64

Note Using echo n is required otherwise echo will append a new line \n and invalidates the secret.

name: ldap-credentials
kind: Secret
namespace: playground
  binddn: Y249YWRtaW4sZGM9ZXhhbXBsZSxkYz1vcmc=
  bindpw: Zm9vYmFyMjAw
tubectl create -f spec.yaml

Check the just created resource:

tubectl get secrets ldap-credentials -n playground -o yaml

Inject secret

A secret may be injected into any other resource using the field secrets. In this example lets inject the secret to an ldap endpoint:

name: tam-ldap
kind: LdapEndpoint
namespace: playground
collection: accounts
  type: destination
    uri: ldap://openldap-endpoint
    basedn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
    filter_one: '{uid={map.uid}}'
    filter_all: '(objectClass=PosixAccount)'
- secret: ldap-credentials
  key: binddn
  to: 'data.resource.binddn'
- secret: ldap-credentials
  key: bindpw
  to: 'data.resource.bindpw'

Injection options:

Key Description
secret The name of the secret to mount.
key Specify the name of the key/value pair from the secret.
to The place where the secrets value should get injected. . may be used to delimit a path.

Note If the same path already exists in the resource definition itself, it will be overruled by the secret value.