
A workflow defines how attributes are mapped between tubee and an endpoint. Workflows are required for both a source and a destination endpoint. For source endpoints a worklfow specifies what attributes from an endpoint are mapped to a tubee DataObject. The same is true for destination endpoint workflows but just reversed. Such a workflow defines what tubee attributes get mapped to a destination endpoint.

Each endpoint may have more than one workflow however only one workflow can get selected and executed. What workflow is selected depends on what ensure type is set or if a condition allows the worklfow to get executed.

Create workflow

This will create a workflow for the endpoint named ldap within the collection accounts.

name: create-update
kind: Workflow
namespace: playground
collection: accounts
endpoint: ldap
  priority: 0
  ensure: last
  condition: "core.result( === false &&"
  - name: entrydn
    kind: script
    value: "core.result('uid='',ou='+core.object.department+',o=company,dc=example,dc=org')"
    required: true
  - name: uid
    kind: map
    value: data.username
    required: false
  - name: sn
    kind: map
    value: data.last_name
    required: false
  - name: givenName
    kind: map
    value: data.givenname
    required: false
  - name: cn
    kind: script
    value: "core.result( +' '"
    required: false
  - name: objectClass
    kind: static
      - inetOrgPerson
    required: true
tubectl create -f spec.yaml

Check the just created resource:

tubectl get wf accounts ldap create-update -n playground -o yaml


The ensure type defines what the workflow actually should do. It defines in what state a DataObject or an EndpointObject should be. There are three known ensure types:

Ensure Description
exists The resource gets created if it does not already exists.
last The resource gets created if it does not already exists and if it does the resource gets updated.
absent The resource gets removed.

The default ensure type for a workflow is always last.


Each workflow may have a scripted condition. This condition gets execute and determines if a given workflow shall get executed. The condition is JavaScript and gets executed by googles V8 engine. The condition has to execute core.result(<bool>) to define if the workflow should get executed. Each object traverses the workflow stack and gets tested against each workflow as soon as one workflow matches. Each currently processed object is available at core.object.


core.result( === false &&

This workflow only gets executed if the object has a property disabled with a value false and has a field username set.

Note By default there is no condition. A workflow may only match if the ensure type does match.


Besides a condition and the ensure type there is possibility to set a priority in which order the workflows get tested. By default each workflow has the priority 0. 0 is the highest priority. A workflow with the priority 0 gets executed before a worklfow with the priority 2.


The mapping is the most important fact about a workflow. The mapping defines what and how certain attributes get mapped to each other. For example it defines what attributes from a DataObject get mapped to what attributes of an OpenLDAP object. The mapping is defined within map and contains a list of attribute mappings. Each attribute mapping may have different options.

Option Default Description
name <required> The name of the destination attribute. (May also contain . to specify a deep path like data.username).
kind map May either be map (1:1 attribute mapping), static (static inline value) or script (scripted attribute using vanilla javascript (V8).
ensure last Like a workflow itself, each attribute may have a different ensure level.
value null Defines the value of the attribute. The value depends on what kind of attribute this is.
type <same type as value> Convert the value to another type.
rewrite [] Rewrite a mapped attribute to another value (May also be done using a scripted attribute).
filter [] Chain of predefined string filters to apply
unwind null Unwind a list and operate attribute options on each list element.
skip false If true the attribute gets ignored. This may be useful if an attribute is only used for an object relation creation or relation context.
map Define an object relation mapping to another collection. Automatically create DataObjectReations.
writeonly false Writeonly flag may be set to true for attributes which get not returned by endpoints (writeonly attributes).


The name is required and defines the name of the destination attribute name.

Note Important, DataObject attributes are usually in the data container.

For example, lets define an attribute from an active directory source endpoint and map the samAccountName to our DataObject.

- name: data.username
  from: samAccountName

The data. prefix is required since a DataObjects data is placed within a data container. See an example of a DataObject here.


There are three different attribute kinds while map is the default one.

Kind Description
map The value will hold the name of the source attribute from which value will be taken. The value must be string in this case since all attribute names are strings.
static The value is a static value. It may be any supported type.
script The value is a javascript executed by the V8 engine. The result must set by calling core.result() while the current DataObject is accessible using core.object.


The ensure type on a attributes knows one more type merge compared to workflow itself.

Ensure Description
exists The attribute gets only mapped if it does not exists yet.
last The attribute gets mapped with the latest value.
absent The attribute gets removed.
merge The attributes get merged, only useful if the value is an array/list.

Defines mighty scipted attributes. The engine executes JavaScript and used the result of core.result() as the value for the attribute.


By default the source attributes type will be untouched. However you may convert the value to another type. The same attribute types as defined in a collection schema are available.

Note The type conversion takes place at the very end of the attribute mapping.


You may use rewrite rules to rewrite a value. Rewrite rules may either be of static matching using from or a regex (PCRE) matching using match. The rewrite processor stops as soon as either from or a regex match match the given attributes value.


- name: entrydn
  kind: script
  value: "core.result('uid='',ou='+core.object.department+',o=company,dc=example,dc=org')"  
  - from: uid=admin,ou=admins,o=company,dc=example,dc=org
    to: uid=Administrator,ou=admins,o=company,dc=example,dc=org
  - match: #uid=([^,]),ou=hr,o=company,dc=example,dc=org#
    to: uid=$2,ou=secretariat,o=company,dc=example,dc=org
  - match: #uid=([^,]),ou=assistence,o=company,dc=example,dc=org#
    to: uid=$2,ou=secretariat,o=company,dc=example,dc=org

Note Rewrite rules get execute once the value is determined from either from,value or script but before a possible type conversion.

You may achive the same using scripted attributes. But rewrite rules are a more readable way and should be the preferred choice if you need to rewrite any values.


Using unwind you may operate on each element within a list attribute. You may apply each attribute mapping option to a unwind operator.

For example, we have a DataObject with an attribute adresses which is a list of adresses and we want to map all streets to an attribute called street.


kind: DataObject
collection: people
  firstName: John
  lastName: Meyer
  - street: First street 20
    zip: 33445
    city: New York
  - street: Company street 38
    zip: 3445
    city: Zurich

The goal is to get an attribute called street with the value ['First street 20', 'Company street 38']. Lets unwind the attribute adresses and grab the value with from.

Note While unwindig the each list value gets available at root.

- name: street
  value: data.adresses
    from: root.street

The same is achievable using scripted attributes, but like rewrite rules, unwinding may be the preferrable solution.

### Map

Map is particulary useful to automatically create DataObjectRelations between DataObjects. DataObjectRelations represent a relationship between two (or more) DataObjects. Those DataObject may be from different collections and/or namespaces.

Lets asume we have a collection named accounts and one named groups. We would like to import LDAP objects into both of them. Into accounts we import person objects and into group group objects. While importing we'd like to automatically create tubee DataObjectRelations between group and group members. Lets asume those LDAP group objects have an attribute member which is a list of user distinguished names. To automatically create a relationship we need to specify the map keyword and pointing the destination collection to accounts and the key which gets used to identify the destination account object to data.dn (data.dn will hold the account dn).

Optionally we set an attribute ou as context.


- name: data.member
  value: member
    collection: accounts
    to: data.dn
    - ou
  skip: true
- name: data.ou
  from: ou
  skip: true

This mapping will automatically try to create DataObjectRelations between those two collections.

Option Default Description
collection <required> The name of the destination collection.
to <required> The name of the DataObject in the destination collection to use as relationship reference. (Usually you will ned to specify the attribute within data. (for example
ensure last By default the relationship gets created and updated. You may set ensure to exists or absent while on exists the relation will not get updated (for example if context data gets changed). If absent the relation gets removed.
context <empty list> A list of attributes to use as context attributes. (Note that you can also use attributes which have skip: true set.)


Skip is by default false. An attribute which has skip on true is declared as a virtual attribute and never gets written anywhere. However a skip: true attribute may be useful if it gets used to write a DataObjectRelation context (See Map).


A password attribute is an example for such attributes. Passwords usually may be writeable but get not returned. While writeonly is set to true and DataObject already exists on the endpoint, the attribute does not get written. writeonly: true attributes may only get written during object creation. Note that it does not matter what value ensure holds while the attribute is set on writeonly and the DataObject already exists.


Specify an optional chain of filters to apply as string filters:

  • Alnum
  • Alpha
  • BaseName
  • Digits
  • Dir
  • HtmlEntities
  • RealPath
  • StringPrefix
  • StringSuffix
  • StringToLower
  • StringToUpper
  • StringTrim
  • StripNewlines
  • StripTags
  • UriNormalize